Monday, October 6, 2008

Different school life

After finishing 1 term here, I have had good experiences that I have never experienced at my college. First, they are different in that we study other subjects like economics and politics and so on in Japanese. However, we have studied English mainly. Moreover, in my college, we have classes different time like we started the class from noon or early morning. On the other hand, we had classes same time every day here. I think it is better for me if I have classes same time every day. The reason is that we keep our health. For example, if my class starts at noon only on Thursday, I stay awake at midnight and get up too late. After that I often have headache. I think it's not good for my health. Now, thank to starting class same time, I feel better than before. Second, in my college, we have class for 90 minutes per class. I think it's makes me tired compared to CESL. Unlike my college, I can concentrate on the class more.
When it comes to the number of class,they are different from what kind of subjects we take. In regular class like CESL, there are over 20 students in the class. On the other hand, in other subjects like politics and economics and so on, there are over 50 students in the classroom. If there are many students in the room, some of them are loud. So, I like the small class because we can be friendly more.
In this way, we have some differnces from here. I'm happy to be able to experience here.

1 comment:

Anna said...

That's true. Interesting post.