Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tea is wonderful!

I like tea better than coffee. The reason is that coffee is bitter if a sugar isn’t contained. But I can drink it if it’s a little bit sweet. Also, I have reasons that I like tea more. Almost all tea are healthy. If I drink it, it makes me reflesh. Also, when I eat cake, bread, tea is suitable for it.
In my country, people drink both tea and coffee. Especially, businessmen drink coffee more than tea during the job. However, there are several kinds of tea in Japan. For example, mattya, houzitya, oolong tea, green tea and so on. Of them, I like the oolong tea the best because the taste is good. Also, I heard before that it’s healthy for my body and it’s better after I eat greasy food like Chinese food. I have tried mattya several times, when I was a high school student. At first, I didn’t like it so much but I gradually liked it. Mattya tastes good with Japanese sweets like mannzyuu or sweet rice cake.

1 comment:

Anna said...

So true. I love the fact that you love chinese food so much. We need to go out for Chinese sometime.